Tuesday the 9th
Feb 8
Feb 10

Tuesday, February 9th, 2021

Vaccine Equity Meeting-

We'll be meeting to discuss the Covid vaccine roll out in New Orleans and how we can ensure it is equitable and accessible to marginalized communities, particularly black and brown people, who have been most impacted by the pandemic. Register Here to attend.

Worker Power Louisiana Committee Meeting-

Join our monthly Worker Power Louisiana calls to talk workplace organizing, labor history, and how we can wield our power as workers to fight for a better world! 

Register for​ this meetin​g here! ​;

Save the Libraries: Coalition Meeting-

At our January General Meeting, we voted to re-join the Save Our Libraries Coalition. We are excited to be a part of this powerful coalition that is working to save the New Orleans Public Libraries, a beloved working class institution and one of the last places in public life that is truly accessible to all. Every Tuesday, the Coalition meets to discuss our ongoing work, plan for next steps, divvy up tasks, and organize! If you're interested in getting involved in the Save Our Libraries campaign, join these calls! 

Register for the Zoom here. (Passcode: 094170)