sábado 18
17 ene
19 ene

sábado, 18 de enero de 2020

Gimme a Brake (Light)!-

Each month, we replace brake lights for free for anyone who needs them in an attempt to reduce unnecessary police interactions. We also teach anyone who'd like to learn how to change brake lights, so stop by even if you don't have a car! We'll have cold drinks and snacks. This month's clinic will start with some food to get us fueled up and a volunteer training from 11am-12pm at Parish Hall. We will then head over to the triangle park at the intersection of N. Dorgenois and Bayou Road where we'll change brake lights from 1-4pm. No experience necessary!

Elect Bernie Sanders + Win Medicare for All!-

On Saturday, January 18th, we'll be participating in a nationwide DSA action supporting Bernie's Medicare for All plan. We'll be going door-to-door and talking to neighbors about why Bernie is the only candidate we can trust to win Medicare for All. Not only that: at the same time, DSA chapters across Louisiana will be doing the same thing! Come and participate in this historic moment - simultaneous DSA Medicare for All actions all across the state and country. Drop by Triangle Park (1430 N. Dorgenois St) anytime between 12 PM and 4 PM, get a short training on 'how to canvass', pick up a list of doors to knock, and then head out! Bring a friend. We'll have snacks. Email if you have any questions.