martes 19
18 ene
20 ene

martes, 19 de enero de 2021

Health Justice Campaign Organizing Call-

The urgent need for a more just health care system has never been more clear than it is this moment. Join our chapter's Health Care Committee for conference-call discussions on how to organize for health justice during this pandemic. Register for the meeting here.

Build Power to Defeat the Right: Debriefing the Coup-

January 6th's events were an ugly attempt by white nationalists — led by President Trump and emboldened by right-wing political elites like Senator Josh Hawley — to overturn the results of a democratic election. 

The last year has been a particularly brutal one for the multiracial working class. The crisis of capitalism, exacerbated by the pandemic and the ongoing austerity measures imposed by Republicans and corporate Democrats alike, has continued to devastate our communities. The brunt of this has fallen disproportionately on Black people, Indigenous people, people of color, incarcerated people, immigrants, women, queer and trans people and the poor.

And yet, the working class, through our organizations and labor unions, came together in November, and again in Georgia last week, to not only overwhelmingly reject Trumpism and white supremacy but to expand the electorate and fight for democracy. How can we build power and defeat the right? What does the coup attempt mean for our organizing? How can we protect our most vulnerable communities by building working class solidarity? 

Register for the call here